Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Week 3 - Some more Photoshop

Photoshop selection tool utilised, magic wand and additional selections removed/added with lasso tool.

Playing with photoshop in week 2


Week two of DFC was the educating of the etiquette of scanning. 
Images required for glossy magazine print and commercial printing are scanned in at 300 dpi. 150-200 dpi is required for the use of home inkjet printers and 72-96 dpi for the use of images for web or email.
After issues with my HP scanner at home, I ventured to my neighbours very efficient scanner (brand unknown). After hitting scan on the machine itself, a window opened up on the the desktop. This offered me the option to scan an image or a document. As the homework task was to scan 7 objects and textiles, I figured that these scans would be more appropriately scanned as images. Scanning as a document is specifically for mostly textual information. 
Below is a screen shot of 'Save for web and devices' on photoshop. When saving in this method, it gives the publisher the ability to optimise the image for publication on the web (best at 72dpi).
the 4 images of the scarf below are at 4 different qualities available to save at. There are obvious quality differences between the original sized image to the lowest quality (15).
There is also the option here to save as .jpeg, .gif and .png files. 

Below are the images scanned in on 300dpi, then optimised for publishing on the web, by being reduced to 72dpi.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

3 other fashion blogs, lets look Nordic.

Our first task is to look at 3 other fashion blogs and summarise, and as I am a regular reader of Nordic fashion blogs because they are just generally brilliant, I thought this is where I would look.

My all time, favourite, number 1 fashion blog is Outsapop. The summation of this blog is basically, it's all types of wonderful. Being a fashion student, I am easily drawn to DIY. Outi, the blogs author posts pictures of couture fashion designers work and shows the reader how to make it their own. Outsapop is not your craftsy-DIY site. It's contemporary, it's has the Finnish clean styled decadence without any hint of Nana's knitting patterns or Martha Stewart. The great ideas she posts are coupled by polished photography and and great links to other sites. Outsapop will have you seeing home hardware in a new light.

I am a massive fan of street style blogs, and Swedish blog Stockholm Street Style is a great insight to what the beautiful Swedes are wearing on the streets. This a mostly a photographic documentary style blog. The photography of such a high standard, and the street walking Swedes that look like models and topped off by the beautiful garments worn by said model-like Swedes does lead one to question if it has all been staged. Are they really models? Did a stylist select such an immaculate ensemble? Whatever the story is, one can only aspire to look that amazing walking down any street, be it Stockholm or Sydney.

Clear, concise. I love the way Style by King selects the best of the runway shows and posts the images of her favourite pieces from any said collection and shares with her followers. But I mostly love the balance of written content to pictures, a few sentences accompanied by beautiful, large photographs.
Style by King is flooded with advertising though, but this is just evidence of the popularity of the blog, I guess if "Geuss" is advertising with you, you are doing something right.

And so it begins....

So I begin my final class of my fashion degree, and I find myself back to a first year subject as a cross-institutional student. The class I am taking is 'fashion communication,' so here I am, communicating fashion via this blog. 
As this is part of our assessable work, I will fulfil my weekly homework tasks for the digital side of the communications class by the means of this blog.