Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Week 10 - homework task

I have used the following image as the idea of how to complete the template given to us be Lea. I downloaded some floral brush set from brusheezy.com, and used it to removed colour and place colour in over the background colouring (a watercolour brush previously downloaded). I used a spray effect for the make-up which the area was selected by magnetic lasso. I had to use the eraser tool on the facial area where the brushes had gone over because of the nature of the jpg, defining areas was difficult to do. 


Image from

Week 10 - rendering

This week Lea went through techniques of adding light and shade into the body using the dodge and burn tools, selecting skin tone, and highlighting hair and make up. We also learnt how to suggest textures like fur using brushes (seen in the last photo).

Week 9 - then we went through how to render our sketches...

After scanning in our own sketches, we were sent home to place our own print design into our sketches with consideration to the drape of the garment. To sum up how this process happened....contigious off, select, contigious on, select and repeat. We tidied up our hand drawn sketches and then made sure that we were always using another layer as to have the sketch still as a usable file if need for another print or colour. After filling the page with the print (duplicated until the correct scale was achieved) the print layers were multiplied and multiplied and transformed using the warp. My result is posted below.

Week 9 - Rendering.... Firstly cleaning up images.

Lea went through all the methods of rendering an image. We cleaned up the 2 images below using the clone tool and the spot healing tool. You can see that the shoe strap has been removed in one image and some of the background information removed in the other and also the woman's face has been smoothed over.