Saturday, 28 April 2012

Lillie associations.....

After deciding on focussing on the creek lillies, and their reflections on the creek bed, the work of Monet came to mind, as did the ogee style designs as it appears to have the look of a water ripple. I would look to perhaps blend a painterly effect, the impression of the lillie leave in an ogee design.

This image reminded me of the long stems of the creek lillie, and I also like the very digital colour effect.
A very digital interpretation of the lillie
Ogee- waterly look.
This is a depiction of a water lillie which I was drawn to because of it's simple indication, similar to my photos from the creek.
Monet's Water Lillie's
This painting captures the reflections from the willow tree and the lillies.
The images of my own I'm working from are reflections of the lillies as the creek lillie has long stems and the leaves overshadow the creek.

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